Objects & Classes:
Objects are the basic runtime entities in an Object-Orients System. They may represent a person, a bank, a car etc… Each object has its own properties and behavior. For example if we chose a CAR as an object then its properties will be number of wheels, height, width, length, body material etc, and its behavior will be run, turn left, turn right, turn backward etc..
But in a programming domain objects interacts with each other by sending massages. Like a User account interact with a Bank Account…
In programming view an object is a combination of some data and code. These data and code of an object can be made a user defined data type using the concept of a Class. So what is class?
1. If we taught class as a Data type then objects will be the variable of this Data type.
2. If we taught class as a blueprint of a building then the building is an object.
3. If we taught class as a recipe then the cocked food is an object.