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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Java as an Internet Language

Java is an object oriented language and a very simple language. Because it has no space for complexities. At the initial stages of its development it was called as OAK. OAK was designed for handling set up boxes and devices. But later new features were added to it and it was renamed as Java. Java became a general purpose language that had many features to support it as the internet language. Few of the features that favors it to be an internet language are:
Cross Platform Compatibility:  The java source files (java files with .java extension) after compilation generates the bytecode (the files with .class extension) which is further converted into the machine code by the interpreter. The byte code once generated can execute on any machine having a JVM. Every operating system has it's unique Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
Support to Internet Protocols: Java has a rich variety of classes that abstracts the Internet protocols like HTTP , FTP, IP, TCP-IP, SMTP, DNS etc .
Support to HTML: Most of the programming languages that are used for web application uses the html pages as a view to interact with the user. Java programming language provide it's support to html. For example. Recently the extension package jipxhtml is developed in java to parse and create the html 4.0 documents.
Support to Java Reflection APIs: To map the functionalities, Java Reflection APIs provides the mechanism to retrieve the values from respective fields and accordingly creates the java objects. These objects enables to invoke methods to achieve the desired functionality.
Support to  XML parsing: Java has JAXP-APIs to read the xml data and create the xml document using different xml parsers like DOM and SAX. These APIs provides mechanism to share data among different applications  over the internet.
Support to  Web Services : Java has a rich variety of APIs to use xml technology in diverse applications that supports  N-Tiered Enterprise applications over the internet. Features like JAXB , JAXM, JAX-RPC , JAXR etc enables to implement web services in java applications. It  makes java a most suited internet language.
Support to java enabled Mobile devices: Java programming language is made in such a way so that it is compatible with mobile devices also. Java language also works with any java enabled mobile devices that support MIDP 1.0/2.0 including the symbian OS mobile devices. 
Support to Personal Digital Assistants: Java language is compatible with Personal Java 1.1 such as chaiVM, Jeode, CrEME, and JV-Lite2 or with all the later version and it also support PDAs like HP/Compaq, iPAQ, Fujitsu-Siemens Pocket Loox and SimPad, HHP, NEC, Samsung, Sharp Electronics, Toshiba, psion m5, and any other device with Windows CE/Pocket PC 2002/2003/2005)


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